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(Sort A to Z alphabetically by registration number)

Vehicle Name Registration Number
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 Black (F10XSE) F10X SE
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 Red (H13MMR) H13M MR
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 Grey (H174VWJ) H174 VWJ
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 Green (HUI1663) HUI1 663
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 Blue (J139KCP) J139 KCP
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 White (J153UOP) J153 UOP
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 White (J154WHK) J154 WHK
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 Yellow (J46OSM) J46O SM
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 Green (J543BAU) J543 BAU
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 Green (J561HSB) J561 HSB
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 White (J729VHB) J729 VHB
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 Red (J775RND) J775 RND
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 Multi-Coloured (J808WHE) J808 WHE
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 White (J82LOW) J82L OW
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 Blue (K146XMJ) K146 XMJ
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 Blue (K150WND) K150 WND
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 White (K237YBL) K237 YBL
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 Red (K245GAU) K245 GAU
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 White (K319WDH) K319 WDH
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 Blue (K333LET) K333 LET
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 White (K336KSL) K336 KSL
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 Cream (K33DWT) K33D WT
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 Green (K393JNU) K393 JNU
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 White (K413NEU) K413 NEU
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 White (K525VDD) K525 VDD
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 Green (K598RUY) K598 RUY
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 White (K601JAH) K601 JAH
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 Blue (K668OHS) K668 OHS
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 Red (K67LMM) K67L MM
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 Blue (K712WNA) K712 WNA
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 White (K71NGC) K71N GC
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 (K726EUU) K726 EUU
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 Yellow (K731ADB) K731 ADB
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 White (K740NGE) K740 NGE
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 White (K78LMM) K78L MM
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 Grey (K828TFJ) K828 TFJ
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 Grey (L15TXX) L15T XX
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 Cream (L259VGJ) L259 VGJ
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 Red (L264GKJ) L264 GKJ
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 Green (L314EOG) L314 EOG
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 Grey (L400DOE) L400 DOE
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 Multi-Coloured (L45JRM) L45J RM
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 Red (L578OUA) L578 OUA
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 White (L67JUJ) L67J UJ
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 White (L732PGY) L732 PGY
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 Red (LEM78S) LEM7 8S
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 White (M216PCF) M216 PCF
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 White (M259GGD) M259 GGD
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 Red (M260CAE) M260 CAE
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 White (M289KDW) M289 KDW
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 (M291WSX) M291 WSX
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 White (M342UJN) M342 UJN
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 Blue (M34POK) M34P OK
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 Brown (M354CPN) M354 CPN
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 White (M416TNC) M416 TNC
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 White (M469RDB) M469 RDB
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 White (M586HFJ) M586 HFJ
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 Brown (M590WHF) M590 WHF
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 Blue (M643ROK) M643 ROK
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 Multi-Coloured (M676PNA) M676 PNA
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 (M684LYL) M684 LYL
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 White (M748LNB) M748 LNB
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 White (M770LNB) M770 LNB
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 White (M786FNL) M786 FNL
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 Blue (M791FNL) M791 FNL
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 White (M817YGN) M817 YGN
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 White (M837PEF) M837 PEF
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 Yellow (M855AVV) M855 AVV
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 Blue (M864MYF) M864 MYF
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 Blue (M974EDS) M974 EDS
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 Silver (N235VNN) N235 VNN
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 Black (N276NAV) N276 NAV
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 White (N295YNF) N295 YNF
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 White (N310TAV) N310 TAV
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 Pink (N321AEG) N321 AEG
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 Mauve (N321NAV) N321 NAV
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 Green (N408AAO) N408 AAO
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 Grey (N484RTA) N484 RTA
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 White (N504CBU) N504 CBU
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 Red (N540DWW) N540 DWW
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 White (N569ANA) N569 ANA
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 Black (N570ANA) N570 ANA
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 White (N585MFG) N585 MFG
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 Blue (N638ANA) N638 ANA
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 Black (N711ODG) N711 ODG
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 Green (N745SOP) N745 SOP
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 White (N762KUA) N762 KUA
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 Grey (N795XOA) N795 XOA
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 Brown (N796UOD) N796 UOD
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 Blue (N94SOC) N94S OC
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 Silver (N954WRJ) N954 WRJ
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 White (N957WRJ) N957 WRJ
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 Red (P111BDY) P111 BDY
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 Brown (P121VMJ) P121 VMJ
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 Red (P142UWX) P142 UWX
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 Black (P144JHE) P144 JHE
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 Blue (P163UBV) P163 UBV
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 White (P230KBK) P230 KBK
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 Blue (P302HWG) P302 HWG
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 Blue (P327WBB) P327 WBB
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 Grey (P38MJA) P38M JA
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 Grey (P39MJA) P39M JA
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 White (P412GNC) P412 GNC
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 White (P41MJA) P41M JA
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 White (P435GRB) P435 GRB
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 White (P43MJA) P43M JA
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 Red (P451RCA) P451 RCA
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 Silver (P470JYD) P470 JYD
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 White (P471ROU) P471 ROU
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 Grey (P527KOV) P527 KOV
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 Silver (P539KOV) P539 KOV
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 Red (P541EEW) P541 EEW
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 Blue (P562JEG) P562 JEG
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 White (P578UWO) P578 UWO
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 Blue (P584HND) P584 HND
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 Blue (P612CAN) P612 CAN
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 Blue (P671HMU) P671 HMU
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 White (P730KVU) P730 KVU
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 Green (P82RAB) P82R AB
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 Red (P889OWB) P889 OWB
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 Blue (P917HVN) P917 HVN
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 Red (P947ATT) P947 ATT
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 Blue (P950MFM) P950 MFM
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 Gold (R125CCL) R125 CCL
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 Blue (R136RBD) R136 RBD
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 White (R241WPX) R241 WPX
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 Silver (R258WPX) R258 WPX
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 Blue (R284HAV) R284 HAV
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 Blue (R380YNB) R380 YNB
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 Mauve (R390YNB) R390 YNB
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 White (R393YNB) R393 YNB
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 White (R600MOD) R600 MOD
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 White (R797EUG) R797 EUG
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 Green (R816GGA) R816 GGA
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 White (R839DDV) R839 DDV
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 Blue (R920SWG) R920 SWG
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 White (R993RNL) R993 RNL
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 White (S383KCW) S383 KCW
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 Blue (S421HOK) S421 HOK
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 Grey (S602SMJ) S602 SMJ
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 White (S842UBA) S842 UBA
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 White (S844UBA) S844 UBA
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 Red (S857UBA) S857 UBA
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 Red (S877SNF) S877 SNF
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 White (S938SRJ) S938 SRJ
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 White (S942SRJ) S942 SRJ
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 Grey (T604JDA) T604 JDA
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 Blue (T633JGV) T633 JGV
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 White (TOY642W) TOY6 42W
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 Maroon (TPM8S) TPM8 S
LEYLAND DAF FA 45.130 Black (VIA8000) VIA8 000

Why You Should Run Reg Check?









What You Can Know After The Reg Check?


Financial interest


Stolen status


Previous Owners




Plate Changes


MOT History


Mileage Report


Color Change


Car Spec


Fuel Economy


Engine Data


SMMT Details


Insurance Write-Off


Imported / Exported


Running Costs


Weights & Dimensions


Logbook Check


VIN/Chasis Check


Salvage History


Scrapped Car Check

Data From


Our Advantages

Our report is a fully comprehensive vehicle check, arming you with vital information about the car and providing you with information on 80 valuable data points regarding the history of the car. These include any number plate changes, mileage discrepancies which may indicate the car has been clocked, MOT history queries, recalls, ratings, the number of previous owners the car has had and many more. to protect you from motoring scams and fraud.
We have the most comprehensive data sources in the country. In addition to official government data, such as Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT), Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) and the police database, we have also integrated data from a wide range of third-party large companies to create the UK’s most comprehensive vehicle history report.
We uses cutting edge technology to ensure you get accurate and up-to-date information. We are so confident in the accuracy of our car check data. Normally the report will be generated in seconds.
Compared with competing products, we have a cheaper price and higher quality. At the same time, our report is easy to understand, everyone can understand it easily.

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