Vehicle history check for YW16DTO

Base Vehicle Information
Wheel Plan:
Fuel Type:
co2 Emissions:
Date Of Last V5C Issued:
Engine Capacity (CC):
Month Of First Registration:
Type Approval:
Year Of Manufacture:
car-info-logo MOT
MOT Expiry Date:
MOT Status:
car-info-logo TAX  (Tax your vehicle)
Co2 Emissions:
Tax Status:

Recalls Of 0000 DACIA SANDERO

Campain NO. Date Component
Check for more recalls infomation >

Common Problems Of 0000 DACIA SANDERO

Date Of Incident Component Summary
Check more about the problem of the vehicle >

Vehicle Rating

Check more about the Vehicle Rating >

MOT History

Expiry Date11 Dec 2024
MOT Due3 Months
MOT Mileage AnomalyNot Detected
08 Dec 2023
Test ResultPASSED
Completed08 Dec 2023
Test Number3259 6777 6880
Expiry Date11 Dec 2024
Odometer Value38702 mi
Since Last Pass4437 mi
08 Dec 2023
Completed08 Dec 2023
Test Number3302 5079 0478
Odometer Value38702 mi

Repair immediately (major defects)

  • Front Brake disc significantly and obviously worn (1.1.14 (a) (i))
  • Nearside Front Outer Drive shaft joint constant velocity boot split or insecure, no longer prevents the ingress of dirt (6.1.7 (g) (ii))
  • Offside Front Outer Drive shaft joint constant velocity boot split or insecure, no longer prevents the ingress of dirt (6.1.7 (g) (ii))
07 Dec 2022
Test ResultPASSED
Completed07 Dec 2022
Test Number7228 3802 2329
Expiry Date11 Dec 2023
Odometer Value34265 mi
Since Last Pass2681 mi

Monitor and repair if necessary (advisories)

  • Nearside Rear Child Seat fitted not allowing full inspection of adult belt ()
  • Front Brake pad(s) wearing thin (1.1.13 (a) (ii))
  • Front Brake disc worn, pitted or scored, but not seriously weakened (1.1.14 (a) (ii))
06 Dec 2022
Completed06 Dec 2022
Test Number6314 5199 7049
Odometer Value34256 mi

Repair immediately (major defects)

  • Offside Front Coil spring fractured or broken (5.3.1 (b) (i))
  • Nearside Front Outer Drive shaft joint constant velocity boot split or insecure, no longer prevents the ingress of dirt (6.1.7 (g) (ii))

Monitor and repair if necessary (advisories)

  • Nearside Rear Child Seat fitted not allowing full inspection of adult belt ()
  • Front Brake pad(s) wearing thin (1.1.13 (a) (ii))
  • Front Brake disc worn, pitted or scored, but not seriously weakened (1.1.14 (a) (ii))
10 Dec 2021
Test ResultPASSED
Completed10 Dec 2021
Test Number2533 5095 0411
Expiry Date11 Dec 2022
Odometer Value31584 mi
Since Last Pass2324 mi

Monitor and repair if necessary (advisories)

  • Front Brake disc worn, but not excessively (1.1.14 (a) (i))
10 Dec 2021
Completed10 Dec 2021
Test Number3600 1861 8829
Odometer Value31584 mi

Repair immediately (major defects)

  • Tyre pressure monitoring system malfunctioning or obviously inoperative (5.2.3 (h))

Monitor and repair if necessary (advisories)

  • Front Brake disc worn, but not excessively (1.1.14 (a) (i))
04 Dec 2020
Test ResultPASSED
Completed04 Dec 2020
Test Number1357 9914 6364
Expiry Date11 Dec 2021
Odometer Value29260 mi
Since Last Pass2971 mi
12 Dec 2019
Test ResultPASSED
Completed12 Dec 2019
Test Number5490 2328 7402
Expiry Date11 Dec 2020
Odometer Value26289 mi
Since Last Pass8910 mi

Monitor and repair if necessary (advisories)

  • Front Brake disc worn, pitted or scored, but not seriously weakened BOTH sides worn (1.1.14 (a) (ii))
12 Dec 2019
Completed12 Dec 2019
Test Number8725 7827 8055
Odometer Value26289 mi

Defects rectified at time of test

  • Windscreen washer provides insufficient washer liquid (3.5 (a))
  • Headlamp aim too low BOTH sides (4.1.2 (a))

Repair immediately (major defects)

  • Front Windscreen wiper does not clear the windscreen effectively Both sides (3.4 (b) (ii))

Monitor and repair if necessary (advisories)

  • Front Brake disc worn, pitted or scored, but not seriously weakened BOTH sides worn (1.1.14 (a) (ii))
11 Dec 2018
Test ResultPASSED
Completed11 Dec 2018
Test Number9950 9028 9715
Expiry Date10 Dec 2019
Odometer Value17379 mi