Vehicle history check for WF65UXJ

Base Vehicle Information
Colour: WHITE
Fuel Type: PETROL
co2 Emissions: 93
Date Of Last V5C Issued: 2023-04-10
Engine Capacity (CC): 999
Month Of First Registration: 2015-09
Type Approval: M1
Year Of Manufacture: 2015
car-info-logo MOT
MOT Expiry Date: 2024-10-14
MOT Status: Valid
car-info-logo TAX  (Tax your vehicle)
Co2 Emissions: 93
Tax Status: Taxed

Recalls Of 2015 SMART FORTWO

Campain NO. Date Component
Check for more recalls infomation >

Common Problems Of 2015 SMART FORTWO

Date Of Incident Component Summary
Check more about the problem of the vehicle >

Vehicle Rating

Check more about the Vehicle Rating >

MOT History

Expiry Date14 Oct 2024
MOT Due57 Days
MOT Mileage AnomalyNot Detected
06 Oct 2023
Test ResultPASSED
Completed06 Oct 2023
Test Number1270 5945 3512
Expiry Date14 Oct 2024
Odometer Value60307 mi
Since Last Pass4346 mi

Monitor and repair if necessary (advisories)

  • heat shield loose
04 Oct 2022
Test ResultPASSED
Completed04 Oct 2022
Test Number2141 4732 0286
Expiry Date14 Oct 2023
Odometer Value55961 mi
Since Last Pass7326 mi
07 Oct 2021
Test ResultPASSED
Completed07 Oct 2021
Test Number8060 8790 2976
Expiry Date14 Oct 2022
Odometer Value48635 mi
Since Last Pass6204 mi

Monitor and repair if necessary (advisories)

  • Nearside under-tray damaged, no further damages
13 Oct 2020
Test ResultPASSED
Completed13 Oct 2020
Test Number4121 3282 6029
Expiry Date14 Oct 2021
Odometer Value42431 mi
Since Last Pass6443 mi
15 Oct 2019
Test ResultPASSED
Completed15 Oct 2019
Test Number7778 8872 4118
Expiry Date14 Oct 2020
Odometer Value35988 mi
Since Last Pass7447 mi
18 Sep 2018
Test ResultPASSED
Completed18 Sep 2018
Test Number7662 1170 4642
Expiry Date28 Sep 2019
Odometer Value28541 mi

Monitor and repair if necessary (advisories)

  • Nearside Rear Tyre worn close to legal limit/worn on edge (5.2.3 (e))
  • Offside Rear Tyre worn close to legal limit/worn on edge (5.2.3 (e))